EXSSA-USA boasts a distinct and dynamic group of ladies with varied talents, diverse cultures, experiences and backgrounds. While a majority of Sakerettes hail from Cameroon, Africa, some of our members are nationals of Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, the United States, Great Britain, and France. This diversity does not only enrich our organization, but also allows us synergize our unique in-house talents and efforts to enrich and empower individuals and communities in Saker, Cameroon and the Diaspora.
Membership in EXSSA-USA is a great investment you cannot afford to miss. Some of the benefits include:
- Reliable support when you need it most
- Unbeatable access to an international network of resourceful, professional women
- Great employment opportunities
- Opportunities to give back to Saker Baptist College
- Opportunities to celebrate one another
Complete and submit an online membership form. A one-time national registration fee of $25 is required with your initial application. ExSSA membership dues are non-refundable and non-transferable. For membership at local chapter level, additional fees may apply. For additional information, contact local chapter presidents.
EXSSA-USA Membership is open to all former students of Saker Baptist College who reside in the United States of America. A former student is defined as any individual who attended Saker Baptist College, regardless of the duration of attendance or graduation status.
Members shall be subscribed to the EXSSA-USA forum. Eligibility to participate in all ExSSA-USA official proceedings is contingent upon full payment of all fees and applicable dues as stipulated by the EXSSA-USA bylaws and/or the National Executive Council (NEC). The amount of such dues shall be determined periodically by the National Executive Board/Council.
The following types of members constitute our organization :
Regular members :
- Former students of Saker Baptist College, who reside in the United States of America.
At-Large membership :
- Former students of Saker Baptist College who reside in the United States but live more than fifty (50) miles from a local EXSSA-USA Chapter.
Honorary Membership :
- Reserved for non-Sakerettes who have made outstanding contributions to EXSSA-USA or to Saker Baptist College. This award is based on successful application and approval by the National Executive Council/Board (NEC).
- This category includes but is not limited to :
- Current or former administrative staff of Saker Baptist College
- Family members (Parents, siblings, children, spouses) of Sakerettes
Corporate Membership :
- Reserved for corporations and third party organizations that support causes that are integral to the welfare of Saker Baptist College.