Community Outreach – 2018
It was such a beautiful Saturday morning on April 9th when the DC Divas began to trickle into the home of Big Sister and Aunty Emma Manjo. By 11am, all hands were on deck, singing and Glorifying The Most High God while keeping busy and focused on the job at hand.
The Divas were on an all day mission to craft out beautiful blankets for the elderly in a Nursing home in Silver Spring Maryland. Time flew by so fast as the Divas plunged into work with jokes, tales and teasing, the atmosphere was relaxing and cheerful. The Divas were joined by Carats who also stepped in to help. The beautiful blankets were ready and folded for delivery by 3pm.
Divas arrived at the Nursing Home to a small group of residents who had been waiting patiently all day and among them was one of our own grand mothers who of course was so happy to see us. The Divas sang a few songs to entertain the residents before handing out the beautifully hand crafted blankets. We are happy to say that we made their day!!!!!!! The Smile on the faces of the residents said it all. Blankets were given to those residents who do not always get visitors or had no family members. It was indeed a labor of love. As the saying goes ” Little is much when God is in it” and it was done in love.